For Children 15 Months to 5 years

Our Rooms:

Weka Room - 15 Months - 2 years
Kākāpo Room - 2 Years to 2 .5 Years
Kea Room - 2 Years to 3 Years
Pukekō Room - 3 Years to 4 Years
Tui Room - 4 Years to 5 Years

At Kiwi Kids we believe that progress through the various classes is also based on individual development of the child and therefore the ages above for the rooms are a guideline.  Movement through the rooms is always in consultation between the kaiako and the parents/carers.


We are a registered Approved Provider for Kindergarten Care which is for Children in the year before they are due to start school. We have qualified, highly experienced teachers who deliver the program in both English and Te Reo Māori to ensure your Child is school-ready.

Our daily session fee is $110.00 , exclusive of any Child Care Subsidy you may be eligible for.  If your child will be attending school the following year, they could also receive 15 hours FREE KINDY per week. Come and see us for more information.


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