Kiwi Kids Centre Philosophy
Te Ao Māori and The National Frameworks
The Māori world view acknowledges the interconnectedness and the interrelationship of all living and non-living things. This holistic approach, seeking to understand the total system, not just part of it. Alongside Te Ao Māori we are guided by the National Quality Standards, Early Years Frameworks: Becoming, Belonging and Being, My time our place, the Queensland Kindergarten Guidelines and Te Whāriki. We acknowledge that families are the first teachers.
Children have a strong sense of identity
Whakapapa - Knowing who you are and where you belong
Every child and whānau is embraced and valued as they not only come as themselves, but they also carry their Tupuna, Aunties, Uncles, Hapu, Iwi etc and through whakapapa we respect their identity.
We foster an environment where children are encouraged and are able to explore their identity.
We will promote freedom to express cultural identities and social experiences.

Children are connected with and contribute to their world
Whānaungatanga - Being connected
When children have a sense of belonging, they are more inclined to contribute positively to their Whānau, Mobs, Communities, and Wider World.
We welcome and build connections and relationships with people we meet and encounter no matter who they are and where they come from. We embrace them whole heartedly.

Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
Hauora - Protecting, nurturing, and strengthening.
Tamariki will experience being cared for and nurtured by kaiako and kaimahi. They will become aware of the importance of living and learning interdependently with others.
We believe that children gain a strong sense of well-being when they have high self-esteem, strong self-help and self-care skills and are emotionally capable.

Children are effective communicators
Mana Reo - Positive communication and actions
We will role model positive interactions both verbal and non-verbal to promote the learning and development of effective communications.
We will promote Te Reo Māori, Keyword Sign and local languages

Children are confident and involved learners
Kotahitanga - Building the mana of others, through nurturing, growing, and challenging
We will be their cheerleaders in life.
We will encourage children to lead in their own decision making.
We will follow the children’s interests and we will deepen their learning experiences.
By building relationships and providing opportunities allowing children to communicate their interests by promoting Whakapapa, Hauora, Whanaungatanga and Mana Reo.

Children are connected to the environment
Kaitiakitanga - Guardianship, for the sky, the sea, and the land
We will take care of our Kiwi Kids environment and the wider world and give thanks through our karakia, acknowledgements and stewardship.
Through the many cultures at Kiwi Kids, our learning experiences will ensure that children will gain bigger and broader understanding of the wider world. For example, the learning of Matariki, Papatūānuku, The Rainbow Serpent, and Dreamtime.

Children are free to play
Āo Tamariki – Child’s view of the world
Children will explore and learn through play
Children are in charge of their play
We view children’s play through a child’s lens