4 years to 5 years
Here in the Tūi room, tamariki will further develop their self-help skills in preparation for their transition to school. There will be access to resources that support them to develop their literacy and mathematical skills, as well as art, construction and science. We provide a language rich environment that supports name recognition and provide tamariki with many opportunities to explore and develop writing/ drawing skills. There are opportunities to develop their gross and fine motor skills through climbing, jumping, ball games, dance, threading, drawing, etc. Most importantly, children of this age are developing their ability to play and learn with others. This includes communicating their needs and sharing ideas with others, negotiation and conflict resolution and showing kindness to others - social competence that will support their relationships in the years ahead.
We encourage tamariki to help care for our environment by helping with various tasks, such as cleaning up, setting up activities, gardening and routines. This supports tamariki to feel a sense of belonging and wellbeing so that they have a safe environment to grow and develop with confidence in their own ability to learn and develop their ideas about who they are, where they fit and how they belong.